{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Product","@id":"https://www.mueller.de/p/maerklin-48882-h0-smiley-wagen-2024-IPN2992011/","name":"Märklin 48882 H0 Smiley® Wagen 2024","image":"https://static.mueller.de/4001883488820/pdmain/maerklin-48882-h0-smiley-wagen-2024.webp","description":"Modell: Länge über Puffer 13,9 cm.Gleichstromradsatz E700580.\nTHE ORIGINAL SMILEY® BRAND For over 50 years, Smiley® has been the go-to symbol for happiness and positivity around the world. Born in 1972 to spread feel-good news, Smiley® has since become one of the most influential icons in graphic design and a universal symbol of happiness, inspiring people globally with our creative message of positivity. TM & © Smiley\nSpur / Bauart    H0 / 1:87Art    Güterwagen","sku":"IPN2992011","gtin13":"4001883488820","brand":{"@type":"Brand","name":"MÄRKLIN"},"offers":[{"@type":"Offer","url":"https://www.mueller.de/p/maerklin-48882-h0-smiley-wagen-2024-IPN2992011/","priceCurrency":"EUR","price":"38.99","itemCondition":"http://schema.org/NewCondition","availability":"http://schema.org/InStock"}]}

Märklin 48882 H0 Smiley® Wagen 2024

Art.Nr.  2992011
38,99 €
inkl. gesetzl. MwSt.


Modell: Länge über Puffer 13,9 cm.
Gleichstromradsatz E700580.

THE ORIGINAL SMILEY® BRAND For over 50 years, Smiley® has been the go-to symbol for happiness and positivity around the world. Born in 1972 to spread feel-good news, Smiley® has since become one of the most influential icons in graphic design and a universal symbol of happiness, inspiring people globally with our creative message of positivity. TM & © Smiley

Spur / Bauart    H0 / 1:87
Art    Güterwagen


Zielgruppe Jugendliche|Erwachsene
Kontakt Gebr. Märklin & Cie. GmbH
Kontaktadresse Stuttgarter Str. 55-57 73033 Göppingen
Kontaktmöglichkeit https://www.maerklin.de/de/
Artikelnummer des Herstellers 48882
Altersempfehlung ab 15 Jahre
Inhalt 1 Stk.
Produkttyp Güterwagen


ACHTUNG: Nur für Erwachsene